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Few Questions

Few Questions

Postby helloimtim on Tue Apr 16, 2013 18:49

Ok so I noticed this brand new big update. I purchased nitro stunt racing some time ago, so will my key work in this major update??? Or do I have to buy a new copy??

I ask because I did install it, Used my old key, but when I try multi player it says I need to register the game??

Last question, How can I change the car view while racing??
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Re: Few Questions

Postby helloimtim on Tue Apr 16, 2013 20:02

Ok, So I have tried the new Beta, Super Impressed. Still can not figure out how to play multi player. Keeps saying register on start menu but see no options for it.
Do love the new maps, good time.

Think its great you can now, while in arcade mode play any track you want. Before you had to win so many races to open all the tracks. Hated that.

Seems like the Car is a bit slower. Then again, still getting used to the maps, and playing. Need to play it more, with this new beta, the game has become more appealing to me because now I can play all the tracks. No more locked tracks.

Have figured out how to change the camera view, so now the game is easier for me. That was my fault setting up my game controller for this game.

Will have to start telling other gammers about this one. Game seems more well behaved in windows 7. The old version you had to make it compatible for windows xp if you played with on a windows 7 machine.

What makes this game so great, you can play against others if you want, (not my thing), or play arcade mode and just have a good time with all the tracks. Love the idea of racing with all the twists in the tracks, the jumps, loops, kinda like racing on a roller coaster imho. Thought the game was given up on and no longer supported.

20 bucks you cant go wrong, so if your just lurking and thinking about buying the game, but it. If you love racing, this one is a good time.
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Re: Few Questions

Postby Mac on Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:07

You may need to run through the 'register' thing in the start menu again. It's been that long since I last needed to install the game that I can't remember how registration worked, but I think besides your key you also needed to add your registration username/email/password and whatnot. Maybe when you tried to do that the server didn't pick it up, it's a bit odd like that.

If you get that fixed, you will probably still need to organise people to be online to play; the game has a small community right now so it's not like more mainstream games that always have hundreds of people on (the most people I've raced online is about 8 and that was by something that was organised a long time ago). But yes, the game is a huge blast to play and it's incredibly underrated. I would recommend getting a steering wheel (I did JUST for this game, however crazy that sounds) since the cars are a lot easier to drive with a wheel compared to a pad, but whatever makes you have fun is fine in itself. :]

Also in comparison between the most recent beta and the previous 'official' build, the cars are actually faster by about 3-4 seconds a lap, because Gameseed put a lot of work into making the car's traction and driving assists much better. Before the cars had a lot more understeer and you had to take corners slower, but with the changes they carry a lot more speed through corners. I do know however that one of the assists (I think the traction control) is hypersensitive on its highest setting and will drastically slow the car down if you lose the back end too much, but it does make cars like the Air XS easy to drive with a controller. That one setting on Medium makes the cars faster, but then they're harder to drive. That's probably why you feel the cars are slower.

Have fun racing. :]

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Re: Few Questions

Postby helloimtim on Wed Apr 24, 2013 0:00

Will we ever see the ability to design our own tracks??

As well after TONS of playing, IMHO, the balance is not right. Take arcade mode for example. Starting at the very back of the pack, number 16, in beginner mode, I can take any car, and not only finish first, its super easy,

Now in arcade mode, jump it to amateur, tired all the cars, back of the pack, best I can do is third. So I try racing mode, put myself in the front of the pack, beginner mode, No problem,almost to easy, amateur mode, Trying every car, once one car gets past ya, Forget it, you will NEVER beat it. Tried every car, and Not gonna happen. I am using no damage, and can use all the turbo boost I want. Its like car one has a super fast car, and I am stuck driving a ford.

Now I am just using the first track choice as a testing ground.

Now I am using automatic transmition, and DON'T have a racing wheel. I use a game pad. IMHO, either the cars we can drive need to be a bit faster, or the cars we race against need to be slowed down a bit.
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Re: Few Questions

Postby Etienne on Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:49

helloimtim wrote:Will we ever see the ability to design our own tracks??

We hope so, and vehicles as well. But we want to do a proper tool, easy to use, yet powerful, and it's a lot of work. Currently we are using 3DSmax and a custom exporter, there are a lot of constrains and creating a new track is not an easy task. Also, once a track has been created, you'll have to place replay cameras, checkpoint, lap, respawn infos, and deal with AI settings...

helloimtim wrote:As well after TONS of playing, IMHO, the balance is not right.
Now I am just using the first track choice as a testing ground.
Now I am using automatic transmition, and DON'T have a racing wheel. I use a game pad. IMHO, either the cars we can drive need to be a bit faster, or the cars we race against need to be slowed down a bit.

What game pad are you using ?
Have you checked your accelerator calibration ? (you need to make sure you can reach the max value for accelerator)

All the tracks have been tested and we could win every race in every mode with every car, using keyboard and all driving helps.
AI have the same cars as you.

So IMHO, the reasons you couldn't win may be that:
- The "Loopings" tracks and more generally the aerobatics tracks are the hardest to win.
- Playing with a game pad is harder than with a keyboard or a steering wheel (at least for me). We need to add some king of filtering for analog inputs like game pad joysticks.
- Using driving helps (if you did) is going to slow you down. Try without them (keeping ASC).

The easy mode may seem super easy, but 90 % of players that play for the first time can't win in easy.
The hard mode is reaaaallly hard, but it's doable. In Arcade mode we slow them down a bit to compensate for the start in 16th position.
Indeed the Amateur mode is not easy. Maybe it's too hard, we'll check that.
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Re: Few Questions

Postby helloimtim on Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:58

Well, it was driving me crazy, I just knew there was something different about this beta. I mean the game is GREAT!!, but just kept thinking the balance was off. So, I installed both versions. The Beta on My C Drive, and the Older version on my Slave drive.

I did my best to set them both the same. I used the first track, I used the first car, I selected "amateur" settings. I Tried to turn off the stuff you told me to, but, to me, it just makes the game harder. I even tried with a key board.

So this is what I found out, Both games set to amateur settings. I used the race feature, I went with no score, No damage. 6 Laps. On the beta, I set all the "Driving help" to medium. ON the Old version, I left all the "driving help" to "on". I Used my Generic game pad. I used the first track, which is the loops to test.

The Old version, I won it easy with a 6 or 7 seconds before car number two passed the finish line.

The beta, I ran the 6 Laps, Think it was lap 5, I am Lapping at least 2 and one time 3 cars, I still finish 7 Seconds behind the first place car.

In My humble Opinion, the beta is punishing you for using the Driving help. With out the help, just Makes the race to hard, to frustrating, and no fun. I tried both the key board, and my game pad, I had better luck with my game pad.

I can Live with MAYBE having to turn off all the driving help if you ever hope to win the pro settings, But again, its just my humble opinion, makes the game to hard and no fun. I have played TONS of racing games.

I have great hope for Nitro stunt racing. Its Soooooo much fun.

As a racing gamer and one that has played PC games for many many years, I HOPE you guys listen to us players. I HOPE you can make this game something we enjoy playing. The Beta is GREAT!! I so love the tracks, the speeds, its just so much fun, But for now, the only setting I can use is "beginner". Amateur is unbeatable. Beginner is ok, almost to easy.

If I could wave a Magic wand, take all the tracks, have all tracks open like the beta, and put them into the old version.

Oh, one last thought, On the old version, I did try pro, while I have yet to beat it, I was like 7 seconds behind the car that beat me. Hope this helps.
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Re: Few Questions

Postby Etienne on Fri Apr 26, 2013 13:50

Thanks a lot for the tests and detailed feedback.
I've checked the amateur in Arcade on Loopings track, and easily won.

There's something really strange here.

Just one silly question, are you using the boost ? :mrgreen:

are you sure you don't have any button assignement conflict (in the game) ?
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Re: Few Questions

Postby Mac on Tue Apr 30, 2013 13:40

Etienne wrote:Thanks a lot for the tests and detailed feedback.
I've checked the amateur in Arcade on Loopings track, and easily won.

There's something really strange here.

Just one silly question, are you using the boost ? :mrgreen:

are you sure you don't have any button assignement conflict (in the game) ?

It'll be the traction control, I swear, because I didn't find the cars any harder to drive on the beta. I actually found them easier. I've managed to win on Loopings using the Air-XS with all the driver aids on High on Pro, so it's not that the game's too hard.

My racing settings are:

ABS: High
ASR: Medium
ESP: Medium

I've played the game using a digital PS1 pad, a Logitech analog controller and a Logitech G27 steering wheel (using digital acceleration/braking as I can't use the pedals at my desk). I've driven every car on every track.

Is it possible that you can provide a video (preferebly in-game, not replay mode) of you playing the game? That would help us to identify what is causing you to struggle on the game.


Actually, come to think of it I remember having a weird issue with the airbrake/flight controls causing me to constantly airbrake if I set the flight controls to the left thumbstick or the shoulder triggers on my Logitech pad. I managed to 'get round it' by assigning the pitch controls to the right thumbstick, and assigning accelerator/brake control to the digital shoulder buttons. I doubt this is a problem on Loopings since it's a non-flight track but there are some oddities with certain button setups.

So ... what sort of gamepad are you using?

Also Here's me playing the game, which might help you to gauge what's going wrong (bear in mind I use a wheel though.)

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