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NSR community - Canada chapter

NSR community - Canada chapter

Postby Julien on Thu Jan 03, 2008 20:01

Hey guys I want to open the Canadian chapter of the NSR community.

So, where do I start :oops: ?

I know, I'll start by buying the game! :idea:

Honest, the minute I am home from work tonight I'll get my license. That'll be the best 15 Euro (or about $297.95 CAD) I spend all year.

Congrats on the hard work, and look out for sales figures from across the Atlantic!

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Postby Nef on Fri Jan 04, 2008 14:37

Hi Julien
Thanks for your message but you should start with proper info pleeease!
The Canadian price can't be what you say.. impossible! I just found $18.3 CAD with the following conversion website: http://www.xe.com/ucc/ (€12.5 for Canada)
I hope you'll enjoy NSR and that you'll be able to make the Canadian community as large as you can! THANKS
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Postby Julien on Fri Jan 04, 2008 23:11

Hem... I was joking sorry. The Euro is very strong lately ;)


oftain les gens
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Postby Nef on Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:25

Hum.. pardon me Julien je ne know plus much about joke.. :oops: enfin à la rue quoi.
Welcome to you all and to the canadian pilots! already about 8 registered! What are you waiting for.. Christmas?
Julien, what about your score? going to check that now..
Euro is f****ing strong yah except NSR stage 1 game... :lol:
Have fun
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Postby koltafeuille on Mon Jan 07, 2008 15:35

welcome Canadian air line ;)
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