If you encounter a problem when playing NSR
Resolve OpenAL32.dll issues

Resolve OpenAL32.dll issues

Postby SkyRider on Sun Jan 13, 2008 23:31

After installing the game a while back and having no problems at all, I was quite surprised today to suddenly be greated with the error:-

'This application has failed to start because OpenAL32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem'.

I attempted to simply download the OpenAL32.dll file manually but was then shown another error:-

'The procedure entry point alcGetIntegerv could not be located in the dynamic link libray OpenAL32.dll'.

Both these errors have previously been mentioned in this forum.

I found a solution to both problems. By downloading and installing the full OpenAL 1.1 installer from http://www.openal.org, it installed a newer version of the OpenAL32.dll file. It appears for some reason my original OpenAL32.dll had been over written with an older version which did not contain the up to date code which is required.

The download file 'oalinst.exe' is currently available at the bottom of the following page: http://developer.creative.com/articles/article.asp?cat=1&sbcat=31&top=38&aid=46
Last edited by SkyRider on Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:18, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Changed from sticky to normal post now the official update has been released
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Re: Resolve OpenAL32.dll issues

Postby leo1954 on Mon Dec 15, 2008 15:48

good stuff, fixed my problem with vista thanks
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Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:27

Re: Resolve OpenAL32.dll issues

Postby frekk93 on Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:40

Ok.. that didn't work for me.. tried that, but i've found another VERY easy way to do this... (100% shure to work on XP, haven't tried it on my computer with vista yet)

Here's what you do:
1. Click Start -> Search (I'm not shure if it's called search in the english language on computer. In Norwegian it is called søk)
2. It will open up a box, and you just simply fill in "OpenAL32" in the search place.
3. It will find all the OpenAL32.dll's you have on your computer
4. The OpenAL32.dll file you should copy should be in this folder : C:\WINDOWS\system32 .. But again, not shure where it is on vista yet.
5. Copy the dll file and just paste where ever you need it.

Good luck! :idea:

It'll take me 6 seconds to find out something wrong, 6 minutes to find a solution, and 66 seconds to fix it.
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