All the things you'd like to see in NSR


Postby evilc on Sat Jan 26, 2008 18:51

OK, I love NSR, but I am not quite so sure about some of the tracks - specifically the "Aerobatic" ones.

The loops seem pretty pointless - they don't add much to the game. I think if you are going to do stuff like that you need things like corkscrews,split loops (Loops with a gap that has to be jumped), crossover jumps - stuff like that. At the moment, "Aerobatic" is a poor name as no aerobatics are done (You are on the ground in a loop, not the air).
I suppose the problem here is that you end the game on an off-track, which could be an issue with some of these features.

Also, whilst I enjoy most of the Jump and Supercross tracks, I feel that there could be a bit more emphasis on gauging jumps right. Personally, I race boardercross (On a mountainboard, sort of like a snowboard, but with wheels, on dirt, downhill, and brakes are banned...) and some sections of some tracks I really like - bits where you have to judge a set of doubles just right or you are smacking into the face of the next set...
I would love to see more of this kind of stuff - and try and reward hitting that landing perfectly not just with reduced damage but increased speed. One idea I had would be to make some of the jumps have a proper transition on the landing rather than the table-top style most seem to be at the moment. If you had a transition on the landing and you hit it just right (And your physics engine worked properly) you would get a boost as you converted vertical speed into forward speed.
Another idea would be to put boost tiles on the floor at the top of the landing that make you go faster if you land on them.

Anyway, just some suggestions - keep up the good work.
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Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2008 0:34

Re: Suggestions.

Postby Etienne on Fri Feb 01, 2008 17:05

evilc wrote:you need things like corkscrews,split loops (Loops with a gap that has to be jumped), crossover jumps - stuff like that.

It will come in future tracks, don't worry :-D. We already have corkscrews and other things like that in preparation.
We already have tried split loops too, but they were a bit hard to take so we want to work on them further.

evilc wrote:If you had a transition on the landing and you hit it just right (And your physics engine worked properly) you would get a boost as you converted vertical speed into forward speed.

It already works like that, but the jumps are not emphasizing this effect.
The other thing is that the F-Jet engine is limiting speed when you land at a higher speed than the maximum speed on the ground.
The difference between mountainboard and F-Jets is that F-Jets have Jet engines that raise the speed while flying, and that's a big difference :lol:

evilc wrote:Another idea would be to put boost tiles on the floor at the top of the landing that make you go faster if you land on them.

If we were to do special bonuses like that, it would be in special modes, and with jumps that are designed for that.
(Otherwise it would push the player to land were it's not the optimal for the lap time).
Etienne - Ai-Wave / Game Seed Developer
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