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Off The Track & Game Over?

Off The Track & Game Over?

Postby SkyRider on Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:24

I was wondering why the decision was made to cause the end of a drivers race when flying off the track, rather than allowing the players car to reset on the track with a slight time penalty, although simply resetting on the track would be a penalty as you would still need to accelerate again from a standing start.

Having raced around the track in a great time, then one mistake in the air and it's game over is a little annoying!
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Postby sparf on Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:56

I understand why your name is SkyRider !

And I can understand your idea, but this choice was made for many reasons. Some of them are:

-we didn't want to see F-jets resetting on the track like a ghost (transparent and without collisions)
-if you destroy the F-jet or get it on the roof you get a race over, not a reset. So I think it's coherent to cause the same when flying off the track.

But are you really sure than you never can fly off some parts of certain tracks ? :roll:
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Postby Julien on Sat Jan 05, 2008 0:12

I like to land in the stands after a big jump and kill some of the public in the process :roll:
I think it is only fair that I get GAME OVER for doing this ;)

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Postby Baboy on Sat Jan 05, 2008 18:22

I think it might be hard to get used to this, but if you think of real racing, it's not like if you go outside of the barriers or land on your roof, you simply restart the race or continue :) While TM was a fun arcade looping madness with no collisions or damage, if you want to think of it that way, NSR is a "TM-simulator" - a driving sim which simulates what happens in TM style tracks, more precisely.
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Postby Thorne on Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:45

I think the idea of a game-over when you flip/go off the track is wonderful in its finality, it adds an extra challenge--you can't be careless. I was rather disappointed, though, when I managed to jump the track wall, and, by taking a large ramp at an angle, land on another section of the track, but still got game over. I think it would be better, and possibly open up some new possibilities for track design, if this were not so. You shouldn't get game over until you've landed on terrain instead of track. What do you think?

(Brilliant game!)
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Postby Etienne on Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:40

Yes, most of the time you'll do a game over when you land on another part of the track. The main reason is that in this case you'll lose the race for sure, since you'll have lost at least 30 seconds. So we thought leaving the player do that was not a good idea (and it could lead to bugs as well).
But I totally agree that it's disappointing and frustrating !
Allowing this and opening new possibilities for track design is a good idea (in fact multiple paths will be one of the new features of Stage 2...)
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Postby Aut0-Lavado on Sat Jan 19, 2008 0:23

Allowing this and opening new possibilities for track design is a good idea (in fact multiple paths will be one of the new features of Stage 2...)

But please don't go all Trackmania on us with the track designs. The tracks so far are so much fun and each present there own challenge. Let's hope we don't lose this. February should let us know if you can challenge us all again.
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Postby Etienne on Sat Jan 19, 2008 0:47

Don't worry, we didn't take our inspiration from Trackmania and we never will (and I think nearly everyone who really have tested NSR have realized that).
What we will propose will be different.
We won't put a new feature if it's not fun and if it doesn't really bring something new. And even if we have the same kind of inspirations, the way to do it can be really different.
If we don't have 100 tracks in NSR, it's because we spend a lot of time designing and testing them, so that every turn and every jump works well.
That's not the best way to sell a lot of units of a game, but that's how we believe a game should be done.
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Postby Aut0-Lavado on Sat Jan 19, 2008 15:41

Glad to hear that, don't worry about shifting games though once you have the online side working it will sell more. I played for half an hour then bought it as i can see the potential there. Not to mention the laugh i've had landing on stands etc... Really looking forward to the online side, will it have full contact or will this be an option.
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Postby Etienne on Sat Jan 19, 2008 16:06

I want the possibility to have full vehicule to vehicule collisions, but I think it would be a good idea to have it as an option as well...
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Postby Baboy on Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:32

Etienne wrote:I want the possibility to have full vehicule to vehicule collisions, but I think it would be a good idea to have it as an option as well...

That's great! Would be good to have realistic collisions in it - I'm not talking about damage, but realistic reaction of cars - ever seen Formula 1 cars hitting each other's wheels? The car simply jumps up. Stuff like that would be great in NSR too.
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Postby Aut0-Lavado on Sun Jan 20, 2008 16:30

That would be funny hitting the wheels just right and you could launch your self over the oposition, add the air stabalisation system and it could be a way to win races.

It should be an option for the person running the race to turn on or off as there are alot of players that use oponents as a form of braking. After years of playing toca and lfs etc... on-line the ability to turn off colisions can be a god send.

To keep to the point of this thread i love the out of track land on roof race over. It increases the risks and stops you setteling in to much and becoming complacent. A very good desicion Dev's. Well done.

Q. Will the sense of speed be increased when the faster cars are released?
I find that the sense of speed doesn't quite match up to what the game tells you are doing.
Is it deliberate so that the faster cars are easier to handle?

Thank you a very happy customer.
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Postby Etienne on Sun Jan 20, 2008 17:56

Aut0-Lavado wrote:Q. Will the sense of speed be increased when the faster cars are released?
I find that the sense of speed doesn't quite match up to what the game tells you are doing.
Is it deliberate so that the faster cars are easier to handle?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

The sense of speed is a bit reduced compared to what you could expect because of several reasons :
1) The roads are quite wide so the game is still playable and you can recover from small mistakes (we're not doing a rally sim here, where roads would 1.5 times the width of a car).
2) We have chosen a realistic Field Of View. Many games are cheating to raise the sense of speed by exaggerating the field of view, but we hate that and we don't like fish eye cameras as a pilot view (we think it's bad for the immersion at the end to cheat on the camera).
3) At the moment, you hardly feel when you're using the boost. We'd like to add more special effects to emphasize the boost ignition and to work on the sounds as well.
4) There's an improvement that needs to be done in the 3D engine to improve the display fluidity. This should improve the sense of speed as well.

But this sense of speed should be increased as well with the release of the Group 2 and Group 1 F-Jets.
I swear that when you'll fly up to 500 Km/h, you will feel it ! :lol:
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Postby Aut0-Lavado on Sun Jan 20, 2008 18:25

Talk about wetting my appetite.

I want more and

Would love an in helmet view for maximum immersion (feel a bit of a fool sitting with one on) :D .. Can't remember but i think it was Race 07 that did that one and there was a mod for Nascar that did the same..

Oh also enjoying being able to talk to a Dev. About the product they are involved in. While they are making it..
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Postby Etienne on Sun Jan 20, 2008 19:20

Aut0-Lavado wrote:Would love an in helmet view for maximum immersion
Oh also enjoying being able to talk to a Dev. About the product they are involved in. While they are making it..

Would you prefer something like this :

or more like this :

I personally prefer the second one. The top one is a bit too much I think, it doesn't leave a lot of screen space for seeing the road.

Aut0-Lavado wrote:Oh also enjoying being able to talk to a Dev. About the product they are involved in. While they are making it..

I enjoy talking to the players too, after all, that's for them that we did this game (ok, a bit for us as well ;-))
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