All the things you'd like to see in NSR
Car animations, sound effects, camera movement

Car animations, sound effects, camera movement

Postby Hensch on Tue Jan 26, 2010 22:06


I just tested the demo a bit and there where some things I think you could make them better:

Car animations:
It would be great if te wings of the car were animated when in the air and controlling the pitch.

Engine sound:
The current engine sounds like an Lamborghini in GTR Racing Game and the pitch doesn't represent the rpm of the engine (should be higher). I think it rather should sound more aggressive and less synthetic.

Turbine sound:
The turbines should also sound more powerful. When starting there should be a sound of turning up rotors with the blasting sound after it. One should be able to feel the power ;) Camera vibrations would also be a good additional effect.

Camera movement:
The camera is sticking behind the car, what ever happens. When it's rolling over, the camera partially gets under the track. So it would be nice, if the camera stays in a constant position in these situations.

Nevertheless, I think I will buy the game. You are doing a good job and I'm sure it only gets better. :)

I hope my "Germanized English" is understandable. ;)

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Re: Car animations, sound effects, camera movement

Postby Etienne on Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:05


Thanks for all your remarks, I agree.

All these things should be done/improved at some point :mrgreen:
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Re: Car animations, sound effects, camera movement

Postby Mac on Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:13

I feel I just want to add on a few things. I didn't want to nit-pick but someone else made this thread so. :mrgreen:

1) have you thought about using absolute damping rather than relative damping? I figured out through helping to develop another game that you're using relative damping on the camera ... absolute damping would make the camera closer to the car at low speed and further away at high speed (you could tweak it a bit so it doesn't get too far away). might help to give a better sense of speed if the camera isn't always the same distance behind the car.

2) the car effects don't really sound that realistic - I mean the crash-type effects, such as bumping into other cars, walls, landing jumps etc. Maybe louder sound effects are needed or more realistic sounding ones? When I play, I very rarely hear any sound effects other than engine and jets. ;) sometimes I catch a.... worrying (to say the least) sound from the suspension when they're damaged, but otherwise I barely hear any collision or crash effects.

just some thoughts. nothing too bad, although I like the idea of the camera not tipping over when the car does. Not sure how that would fare when the car is in the air and you need the camera to be reliable to aim the landing properly..... but yeah. xD I'm done.

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