All the things you'd like to see in NSR
I'd like to suggest something ^^

I'd like to suggest something ^^

Postby Mac on Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:48


Firstly (This is not an attempt to suck up to you guys =D) but........ GREAT GAME. I played the demo twice and just went and bought the game. Fantastic concept, and surprisingly quite difficult on Pro mode. (Unlike most other games involving CPU, who majorly suck even at high difficulty)

So I just want to request and suggest a few things I think are a) easy to do and b) would make the game a little better. I'm sorry this is a bit long and I'm sorry if things here have already been suggested. ^^

First: Motion Blur. Although I'm not too certain if DX8 can render motion blurred frames or textures. I think it would be a nice touch to add a little more sense of speed, especially in the air. I'm not sure what the best method/implementation of blur would be (whether a screen-edge blur or a full-screen motion blur). Maybe the first could be implemented for driver-view and the second for external camera?

Second - and I know this has been suggested - but please. Span/fish-eye the camera a little when it's following the car (external mode). A lot of the time I really don't feel like I'm doing 170 mph. It doesn't have to be done to an insanely obvious extent, just enough to give a better illusion of going very very fast. ^^

Third: A keyboard shortcut / option to toggle between fullscreen and windowed, and also the ability to move the game window in Windowed mode. I run Media Player whilst playing the game and I have to close the game or force it to minimise using Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring Vista's menu up, so being able to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode would be useful. ^^. Also being able to move the window, as it just defaults it to the top left corner.

Fourth: More display resolutions. I tend to play games on my laptop at 720x480 res as it generally gives me a better frame rate but NSR won't give me the option to choose that frame rate. Similarly I play games on my desktop PC in 840x480, which also isn't an option... I think it would just be nice if the game supported all of the possible resolutions the connected monitor can display.

Fifth: There's only three cars in pro mode that really prove any major difficulty in getting past (The stealth-skinned car particuly =P) and I'm a little sick of the backmarkers intentionally taking my racing line through the last corner of every track so..... I'm just wondering if a nice difficulty setting could be implemented to make all the opponent cars more equal in their own skill / speed levels. Not necessarily so they're -all- as fast as that stealth car but just so for once the red car isn't the one I always lap fifteen times. xD
(Three versions of this; one where they're roughly as fast as the 1st car in Amateur, one where they're all as fast as 1st - 3rd in pro and then maybe one where they're -all- as fast as the 1st car in Pro mode would be interesting. I know it's not really sim-like but I do find it amusing I only get passed because I make mistakes, and not because the guy behind gets a corner faster than me. =P)

Sixth: In real life racing drivers never take the exact same line around the course as one another and, except at the start, I just get the feeling like the cars are just intentionally following the one single racing line. Now I'm not saying this is bad, but it would be nice to see the CPU drivers taking some more inventive and varying lines through corners. It would also be nice if they weren't so useless at overtaking one another, especially on Red Run. It looks like they don't know there's so much road to go around each other. ^^
(Maybe this could include the apparent 'short cuts' that I heard some tracks have. =P)

Seventh and final: I'm SICK of the stealth car always being first and the red car last. I think it would be nice if the drivers were randomly assigned a race skin and car model each race (except for Championship mode, of course) although it's my own personal thing that I'm sick of the slow cars being the same colours. Also it would be nice to make sure the CPU cars don't use the car skin you're using, although again, it's just a preference. xD.

Hope it isn't too long and I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining at you guys. If I didn't like the game then I wouldn't have bought it, and I wouldn't be trying to suggest to you guys things to add and improve. ^^

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Re: I'd like to suggest something ^^

Postby Etienne on Tue Aug 05, 2008 0:50

Hi Mac, thanks for your feedback !

1) It's true that a bit of motion blur would be cool.

2) Sorry, but I don't think that field of view will be changed. We'd rather improve the frame rate to give a better sense of speed (or we may add an option one day).

3) Option to toggle between fullscreen and windowed, and also the ability to move the game window in Windowed mode : it will be done one day, but It's not a top priority (just do a good playlist and you won't have to go in windowed mode, or use alt-tab).

4) More display resolutions : going down to 480 lines is just a mess to do. Having an interface that works from 640x480 to 1920x1200 is not so easy ! (just think of all the fonts needed, and the different aspect ratios and I'm sure you'll understand). We'd rather concentrate our efforts to support 3 screens rather than pull our hairs to support 1980's resolutions :wink:

5) You must be amazingly good to ask for an even harder than pro mode ! :D We've already thought of an insane mode for guys like you, but to be honest you're the first who asks for that :lol:. Don't worry, when multi-player will be there you'll find plenty of very good pilots to compete with :mrgreen:

6) Different driving lines : this will come...

7) And finally, have you ever seen Schumacher driving a green Ferrari's Formula One ? :lol:
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Re: I'd like to suggest something ^^

Postby Mac on Tue Aug 05, 2008 13:03

Thanks for the great response. ^^

Well, I didn't expect you to want to support lower resolutions. ^^; I don't blame you. Both my computers -do- run the game in windowed mode fairly fine (just my laptop is oddly laggy in windowed mode) but thanks for the consideration anyway.

And... you'd be surprised by how fast I can be xD. despite the fact I've yet to work out where the shortcuts are. The Stealth car -is- fast (and I've got to give you guys credit for making a game with actual challenging cars) but it's just that the backmarkers are just absolutely USELESS ^^. Have you ever won a race from 16th on Pro? That's why a high-level Amateur mode and/or this "Insane" mode would be interesting.

And on the last one: I'm just sick of trying to pass the red, blue and yellow car and them slowing down into my racing line. xD. It would just amuse me to be getting tailgated by the red one rather than the stealth one, that's all. But so long as you can get the cpu to not use the same skin as what I use (I've noticed the black car skin is the one not used) then that will suffice :P

And I dunno what else to say. xD. except I can't wait for stage 2. :D

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