If you encounter a problem when playing NSR
Windows 7

Windows 7

Postby Mac on Thu Nov 05, 2009 15:56

OK, so I just (finally) reinstalled NSR after not playing it for a while - and after upgrading my computer to Windows 7 Pro x64.

You'll be glad to know that the game installed - although the buttons on the installer were missing - and apparently it registered when it asked me to.

But, I have the following problems:

1) the game won't run unless I set it to compatibility mode (Vista, Vista SP1 and Vista SP2 all work)
2) even though I'm a registered player, the game doesn't think that. When I try to update the records or use Multiplayer, it says that I must be a registered player and won't let me.
3) the game seems to run smoother O_o that may be due in-part to W7 x64 not having working SLI yet... lol. but 30fps as a minimum? on maximum game settings? -thumbs up-

4) this isn't as such a problem but more a peculiar bug I found a while ago: what did you say the game's physics engine ran at? 300fps? If you go into arcade and drive backwards around the track and hit another car, your car gets stuck inside theirs. (reminiscent of the multiplayer lag bugs. :mrgreen:

Since I'm probably the only person playing the game that's actually got it working on W7 (lol) then I thought I'd tell you what I can find out as being wrong. I hope you guys can help me sort this out or at least fix this for the future updates to the game. :)



Apparently the game DIDN'T register when I installed it - I tried to register it through the start menu's registration form.

After doing that, the game now crashes itself whenever I try to load it. :(

So - there's something for you to look at. Registering the game breaks it, it seems.

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Re: Windows 7

Postby Etienne on Thu Nov 05, 2009 16:49

Hi Mac,

All these problems have been solved and the corrections will be in the next update.
Unfortunately you can't do anything about them until we release an update.
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Re: Windows 7

Postby Mac on Thu Nov 05, 2009 18:47

trés bien. :mrgreen:

hope you can finish the update and release it soon. :) multiplayer with 7/8 of us guys was fun, I can't imagine a proper 16-player match. :D

Just want to post something else:

I reinstalled the game and got it working again (disconnected internet at account reg. screen. lol) and everything except multi and online recs work (which for now is okay)
but the game randomly crashes to desktop.

It did it on Hot Rusk during a play through championship mode and also with me testing my Saitek on loopings. :/

I dunno if this is a compatibility issue (with the current update not supporting windows 7 too good) or an issue with me running a 64-bit OS (or both) but does this make any sense to you?

I also hope that in the next update you add an option for viewing angle. the cars never feel like they're driving at 170mph. a 60 or 75* viewing angle would make the cars look like they're going a heck of a lot faster. ;)

-awaits replay mode. hopefully with an option to view from AI car perspectives. :D-

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Re: Windows 7

Postby Etienne on Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:19

We haven't had crashes yet on the corrected version we have.

Do you have a more precise idea of when it's crashing (during or at the end race, when loading, etc...) ?

Concerning the "viewing angle", it's already at 60°, but we'll probably add an option, since we'll add support to TripleHead2Go in the next update, and that kind of option is useful in this case.
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Re: Windows 7

Postby Mac on Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:58

It already is at 60*? It doesn't look like it is. O.o oh well. the option would be nice.
120* viewing angle ftw ^_^

And the crashes are purely random. The first time it crashed was during Hot Rusk's intro thing ... I'd left the PC alone for a while because I was eating my dinner :<

The second was mid-qualification on Loopings, and after about two minutes of me having the game on.

and oddly I was playing it all last night and got no more crashes.

It could just be my OS, since it's 64-bit. :< I don't know.

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Re: Windows 7

Postby SkyRider on Fri Nov 06, 2009 20:15

I havent played this for a while and have also just tried it now I have Windows 7 32Bit. Same problem as Mac. I didnt try playing it until after I registered the game. I might reinstall it to play offline mode if I get the time.
Glad to see you have been working on an update for this :)


Hey MAC, I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it but this time the registration went through properly during installation (I didnt have to register seperately afterwards) and when I launced the game, after a few seconds of blank screen it loaded up fine. Updating scores works ok and I could load a track and drive.
I found the The 'NSR_S1.exe' was already set to compatibility mode 'Vista' which I'm guessing was still stored in the O/S registry.
Only problem I found was the Shader Model setting on 2.0 gave strange graphics and on 1.3 is ok. Maybe a problem with my graphics drivers and dont have time to test it further today. But this might help for now.
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Re: Windows 7

Postby Mac on Sun Nov 08, 2009 20:19

When I reinstalled it the first time, I did the same thing and it went through, but it just gave me a blank screen until I killed it through Task Manager.

Apparently it's been fixed so I can wait for the next update :] plenty of time to practice for Red Run reverse and to get Hot Rusk rev. right (jesus christ why is that SO DAMN HARD? I can't help but understeer every goddamn corner. -.-)


Etienne, can I ask something? is it possible to set a limit on how quickly the car can corner when using analog control? I noticed the sensitivity thing which affects how quickly the car goes to full steering lock on digital input, but on analog it's instant and as I use a control pad, using cockpit view means that the steering wheel jerks around when I corner (very unrealistic) and also when I get hit I lose control of the car due to how quickly the car can steer like that xD

Can you make the sensitivty work for analog as well? It would make handling the Air-XS a lot easier. Also are you ever going to make a stage 1 car with only slight understeer? The Primal is medium, the Evolution has slight oversteer, Photon full understeer and Air-XS full oversteer. I've found the Primal oversteers too much for me and the Photon sometimes doesn't turn in as much as I want so a car to fill that 5th handling slot would probably be perfect for me. :]

Oh, SkyRider, what's your best lap on Loopings now that Etienne de-cheated the corners? I managed a 58.6 or something with the Evolution (god knows how) and want to know how it compares.

NEXT UPDATE FOR THE WIIIIIIIIIIIIN I can't wait to see what gets added o_o

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Re: Windows 7

Postby Etienne on Sun Nov 08, 2009 23:44

Mac wrote:Etienne, can I ask something? is it possible to set a limit on how quickly the car can corner when using analog control? I noticed the sensitivity thing which affects how quickly the car goes to full steering lock on digital input, but on analog it's instant and as I use a control pad, using cockpit view means that the steering wheel jerks around when I corner (very unrealistic) and also when I get hit I lose control of the car due to how quickly the car can steer like that xD

Can you make the sensitivty work for analog as well? It would make handling the Air-XS a lot easier.

Yes, that's something we're going to do, as small analog joysticks are quite hard to use and we agreee that filtering would solve the problem.

Mac wrote:Also are you ever going to make a stage 1 car with only slight understeer? The Primal is medium, the Evolution has slight oversteer, Photon full understeer and Air-XS full oversteer. I've found the Primal oversteers too much for me and the Photon sometimes doesn't turn in as much as I want so a car to fill that 5th handling slot would probably be perfect for me. :]

Hmmm, we've tried to do a broad range of behaviors, the Primal beeing the one supposed to be rather understeering. You'll probably have to wait for the Stage 2 update where we should put an oversteer/understeer setting. But to be honest I'm surprised that you find that the primal is oversteering. The setup is supposed to be a bit understeering.

Mac wrote:NEXT UPDATE FOR THE WIIIIIIIIIIIIN I can't wait to see what gets added o_o

Well, seems like we'll have to get it faster than we thought, as a lot of players seem to go to Windows Seven.
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Re: Windows 7

Postby Mac on Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:32

Etienne wrote:
Mac wrote:Also are you ever going to make a stage 1 car with only slight understeer? The Primal is medium, the Evolution has slight oversteer, Photon full understeer and Air-XS full oversteer. I've found the Primal oversteers too much for me and the Photon sometimes doesn't turn in as much as I want so a car to fill that 5th handling slot would probably be perfect for me. :]

Hmmm, we've tried to do a broad range of behaviors, the Primal beeing the one supposed to be rather understeering. You'll probably have to wait for the Stage 2 update where we should put an oversteer/understeer setting. But to be honest I'm surprised that you find that the primal is oversteering. The setup is supposed to be a bit understeering.

Air-XS with understeer? that would be a matchup in heaven for me. xD

Serious: I'm going by both personal preference and also the in-game diagram that displays the car behaviour, but the Primal is supposed to have neither understeer or oversteer according to the game.

I've found it does oversteer a bit - especially in slow corners like the second corner on Loopings, although at higher speed it does understeer compared to the Air-XS, which basically wants to slide around every corner no matter what you do :mrgreen:

I suppose it may be my personal preference in keeping control of the car and I've just found the Photon to be the easiest to get through a corner as it understeers heavily. It has its disadvantages as it won't turn in on slow corners when using the boost, which is why I asked if a car with slight understeer (as opposed to Primal's "no understeer" and Photon's "heavy understeer" would be possible. I think such a handling bias would suit me :]

But, being able to change the car's handling behaviour would probably be better than having pre-set handling characteristics. just so long as you apply that to the AI. I still want to see a 6-car fight on the last lap of a race because of how close the AI are in performance to one another (it's usually me and one other, unless I crash xD) :mrgreen:

Etienne wrote:
Mac wrote:NEXT UPDATE FOR THE WIIIIIIIIIIIIN I can't wait to see what gets added o_o

Well, seems like we'll have to get it faster than we thought, as a lot of players seem to go to Windows Seven.

Windows 7 is soooooo much better than Vista. I honestly don't know why you're surprised. I've had Windows 7 since RC1 though. (I can actually play NSR on my laptop now, you know. remember all the complaints I got about bullet-time lag? I now average about 20fps on 800x600 and 5-15fps on 1280x800 (dependant on cars on-screen). :mrgreen:



so I don't spam posts - I can't figure out how to change my name yellow (beta test group). I'm in that group but still white. :/

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Re: Windows 7

Postby SkyRider on Mon Nov 09, 2009 20:47

Mac wrote:Oh, SkyRider, what's your best lap on Loopings now that Etienne de-cheated the corners? I managed a 58.6 or something with the Evolution (god knows how) and want to know how it compares.

Did a few laps in training mode, first time I played this for a few months now. Could only manage about 59.2 on Loopings with Air-XS. The last corner is a real speed killer with the sand trap if you don't hit the brake at the right time!

Game is working well on my Windows 7 system. I've had a problem with my laptop overheating quite quickly and turning itself off. But I got all graphics turned down and I've had no problems running NSR today.
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Re: Windows 7

Postby Mac on Thu Nov 12, 2009 15:21

SkyRider wrote:
Mac wrote:Oh, SkyRider, what's your best lap on Loopings now that Etienne de-cheated the corners? I managed a 58.6 or something with the Evolution (god knows how) and want to know how it compares.

Did a few laps in training mode, first time I played this for a few months now. Could only manage about 59.2 on Loopings with Air-XS. The last corner is a real speed killer with the sand trap if you don't hit the brake at the right time!

Game is working well on my Windows 7 system. I've had a problem with my laptop overheating quite quickly and turning itself off. But I got all graphics turned down and I've had no problems running NSR today.

You should consider getting a cooling mat or cleaning it out, because my laptop hasn't overheated yet (although it's crap anyway) :/

And I'm now sat here and WTFing at my system, because I swear to god I got a 58 on Loopings and according to the local records my best lap is 59.244 -_-'' maybe I did it on the reverse one, I dunno.

Makes me wonder when the online recs are going to be reset, because 52s on Loopings is impossible now that most of the corners have sand traps on them. =/

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Re: Windows 7

Postby SkyRider on Thu Nov 12, 2009 19:59

I've had the laptop in bits to clean it as I thought the fan may be clogged but it was completely clean. I had overheating problems on WinXP when I upgraded the graphics drivers, I installed the slightly older driver again and then it was ok. Seems the newer driver was pushing it to hard. Problem is there are no older drivers for Windows 7!
I've now found I can't run a race with more than 4 cars otherwise the framerate is completely unplayable, so unless the forthcoming patch helps I will have to do a dual O/S setup, Windows 7 & XP. Until then I can't play a full race :(

I agree the scores and times should be reset now that the loopings track has been changed. I could do with the competition as I have only been playing the tracks I don't have the lap record on, lol. I'll soon take your lap time on Twisted Iron, I'm at 55.168 :twisted:
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Re: Windows 7

Postby Mac on Thu Nov 12, 2009 21:46

Your laptop can only handle 4 cars before it becomes unplayable? What's your opinion of "unplayable" anyway? because when I have all 16 cars on-screen (and at a close distance i.e. start of race) the fps is literally about 4. after the first couple of corners and after the cars spread out, it averages out to about 15-20 :]

On Vista it was completely unplayable because I'd get weird jump lag even when on the track alone. :/ -shrug.- I'm saving up for a new laptop anyway. One with some sort of decent mobile nVidia 8 or 9 series chip in it.


You won't beat my record. :P

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Re: Windows 7

Postby Etienne on Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:00

The 52" time on loopings has been done by MrWhite with a dev version of NSR. He played with the car settings a bit :mrgreen: . I've removed this laptime.

Concerning the new versions of the tracks, we'll probably going to remove all lap and race times that are better than Gold race and lap times, and all related scores.
This will be done when we'll release the next (non beta) official update.
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Re: Windows 7

Postby Mac on Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:46

Does that mean I'll have to reclaim my best laps and race times on Jump it up Reverse and on Twisted Iron?

As far as I know those two can't be cheated. Or at least, I didn't cheat them when I did the times. :<

-wants the dev version- I have seen a "unknown" car in the records on Loopings. forgot who drove it, but it got my hopes up. :mrgreen:

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