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A new Jump track under construction

A new Jump track under construction

Postby Nef on Fri Jan 18, 2008 18:09

A new Jump track is under construction. You'll find the news on the website and the screenshots here.
Landing is scheduled for February...

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Postby Baboy on Fri Jan 18, 2008 23:57

That's simply... AWESOME :D :D :D I really like those screens, this seems a real great track! Will it be available through game update or through separate installer too? I think it'd be better to have both - or even include it in the exes of those who yet have to buy the game :)
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Postby Etienne on Sat Jan 19, 2008 0:33

Thanks very much !

This new track will be available thru a game update, which will be a separate installer as well...
Etienne - Ai-Wave / Game Seed Developer
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Postby fourdee on Wed Jan 23, 2008 16:18

wicked, looks awesome, nice work :D
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Re: A new Jump track under construction

Postby 0point0 on Wed Feb 06, 2008 18:58

This track looks awesome!
Yesterday I've bought this Game and I must say it's awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I hope this update/installer will be available to download soon :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Greets 0point0

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: I'm an German boy :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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