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Team Speak Server for Multi

Team Speak Server for Multi

Postby Etienne on Tue Feb 17, 2009 15:35

The web site Ziomm is offering the NSR community a Team Speak server in order to be able to discuss (and more if needed :mrgreen: ) during NSR multi-player games !
To connect, you'll need :

1) Download the Team Speak 2 client here :
2) Once the client is installed and launched, go in the "Connection" menu and click on "Connect"
3) In the "Adress Book" tab, right click and choose "Add server"
4) Fill the following fields :
Label : put want you want here : for ex "NSR"
Server Address :
Check "Anonymous"

Here you are, now you just have to click on "Connect", and choose the channel :
If you want to discuss outside of a race, choose the "Paddock" channel (it's the default one anyway)
If you want to discuss in a race, choose one of the "Race" channels

A big thank you to Ziomm for its contribution !
Etienne - Ai-Wave / Game Seed Developer
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