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NSR - worth buying?

NSR - worth buying?

Postby Anxiety on Mon Sep 26, 2011 22:35


I've recently come across NSR, and i've tried the demo and actually like it, but is it worth buying?
Do people ever play it online anymore? I was reading some thread about a "league" type deal on saturday nights or whatever, but is that pretty much all the online action?
Did the developers completely drop the project? I mean the last update was in 2008...

I currently use a GT3 RS V2 wheel with clubsport pedals, and I've had nothing but problems with them (remind me to never buy fanatec again) and dude to this I have to use my wheel and pedals as separate controllers. This also makes the game unplayable cause it doesn't support multiple controllers. Does anyone have a way around this? I've been playing with keyboard for the time being, but it really isn't as satisfactory as a decent wheel.

This seems like the type of game I've been looking for, for a long time - it's a shame I was a tad late to join the party.
It's not often you find games with arcade gameplay, but half-decent physics.

Thanks in advance (if this forum is still even active :? )
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Re: NSR - worth buying?

Postby Etienne on Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:37


Thanks for your interest.

The forum is still active, as the game. We have not dropped the project. We are working on an update that will fix many problems, including Multiple controler support.
However I can't tell you when this update will be ready, as we've had lots of delays since the first announce. :mrgreen:

There is indeed a regular multiplayer meeting every saturday evening.
Etienne - Ai-Wave / Game Seed Developer
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Re: NSR - worth buying?

Postby Garreth on Fri Sep 30, 2011 18:47

I've met a similar problem with my logitech Momo wheel on trackmania2 game.
Therefore, I use a key binder program called joytokey 5.0. This may help you to map your controls ?

http://www.ac.auone-net.jp/~jtk/joytoke ... Key_en.zip

details here : http://www-en.jtksoft.net/overview

Have fun with NSR :wink:
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