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VR920: HMD + Head Tracking + S-3D = Awesome!

VR920: HMD + Head Tracking + S-3D = Awesome!

Postby nuclearhythmics on Sun Aug 02, 2009 21:20

Triumphs and Tribulations with NSR and the VR920

I've successfully got head tracking and stereo 3d working with NSR using the VR920 head mounted display (HMD) and it's been great fun. I've got pitch and yaw working well after doubling the output of the vr920 in Glovepie which emulates the trackIR but there is no roll axis, though that output works fine with Glovepie in other games. I got roll working once by replacing faketrackir.roll with faketrackir.x in Glovepie script, but everything was haywire with some kind of axis exchange giving me roll controlled by the vr920 pitch. I tried some further variation of the variables but the results seemed the same so I gave up on roll. Maybe NSR is expecting 6 head tracking axis now instead of the 3 that the VR920 is giving it (yaw, pitch, roll).

I like using head tracking in an open cockpit like the F-Jet and NSR also allows head tracking in several other views (unlike other games). It would be nice however to be able to save favorite views to keys or buttons, or cycle backwards for easier switching, or toggle some views off, but I'm sure most people stick to one view. I think I like the bonnet view best if head tracking or using multi-montiors, but if using a single monitor and no head tracking I prefer the swing-man view.

NSR in stereo 3d is awesome flying next to opponent f-jets and I've requested support for NSR on the Vusix VR920 forum. I got Stereo 3D working with both the native vr920 driver (unofficially) as well as the iZ3D beta VR920 output driver. The iZ3D is easiest since it allows control of the parameters in the game by hot key and user presets whereas the native vr920 driver uses a .cfg file edited outside of games. With both drivers however I have a serious delay loading the JUMP IT UP track: native VR920=4min, iZ3D VR920 Output=7.5min. I tried enabling the "force V sync Off" in the iZ3D Control Center as well as un-checking the Vertical Sync option in the NSR setup. I don't know how to disable Vsync in the native VR920 driver as there is no control program or documentation defining the parameters in the .cfg file. I don't have this problem when using the iZ3D anaglyph output driver so I guess if I start using multi-player I'll have to use my cardboard 3d color glasses if I want to play in 3D or be left behind.

I've posted my trouble with the 2 technical issues above (loading time, head-tracking: roll) in the technical forum also. Despite these minor issues the game play with a VR920 is recommended to all. Here are some videos I've made using the VR920 and the 2nd one is actually in 3D:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oh1eLO5Luw (use 3D color glasses: red/blue)
Last edited by nuclearhythmics on Sun Aug 02, 2009 21:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VR920: HMD + Head Tracking + S-3D = Awesome!

Postby Etienne on Sun Aug 02, 2009 21:31

Well, this VR920 device looks terrific ! Is the resolution (640x480) high enough ? Is the head tracking feedback fast enough ? (having lag must be horrible with such device).

Concerning the Vsync extra loading time. This has been fixed locally and will be released in the next update. Concerning the other problems of the vsync in NSR, it should be fixed soon too.

Thanks for your feedback !

I'll try to get in touch with Vuzix so we can fix the head tracking issues you've had.
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Re: VR920: HMD + Head Tracking + S-3D = Awesome!

Postby nuclearhythmics on Sun Aug 02, 2009 21:56

Thanks Etienne for your swift reply.

I would prefer a bigger resolution that is wide screen and there are rumors of an upcoming VR1440. I saw another HMD that was 800x600 resolution (the Z800) but $1,295.00 was way too expensive for me so I got my VR920 for only $280.

I don't notice any serious lag however I have a tiny amount due to using the smooth opcode on yaw in the Glovepie script. The Yaw axis is tracked by magnetometers (compass) so it can pick up magnetic interference (I moved my PSU off of my desk). I think trackIR or Freetrack might offer better head tracking. I've already ordered a wiimote and a smaller than standard wireless sensobar to stick onto the glasses so I'll let you know how that works, but I think I will probably continue using the VR920 for Yaw/Pitch/Roll, and use the wiimote for x/y/z.
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